I knew my clickbait title, may attract some of you. I'm talking about that travel bug that is itching me. We are planning a trip somewhere, which, if you've been following my Dark Nest Travels videos you would have been given three hints and may have figured it out. The past day has been full of that fluffy stuff that carries topics on your newsfeed, carry's memes in shape of ludicrous "hell freezing over" scenarios, but in me, there's an itch get the heck on the road.
Planning a trip is a tricky one, especially with projects for The Mothership just on the horizon, sometime in Spring. We are excited to get planning and are just waiting details, i.e, a date so we can put our plans in motion. But there are a few details, other than the realism that where we are going isn't "R.V. Friendly" (damn another hint)and will be renting a vehicle for the trip. The bug still persists on creating that scratch on our backs because travel is extremely intriguing and going someplace that we may have never planned in our past, has come to the forefront and we are ready to begin.
The first thing I like to do for a trip, whether it's planned or a last minute ditch effort to escape the confines of Dark Nest, yes it's a great place, but escaping it's small square footage is often necessary to live and to itch that scratch. I like do download all the maps required, and since we're not taking the motorhome, can use my Google Maps, which is the best map program used to this day. If there were a stand alone GPS unit that had Google Maps on it, I would own one. I don't like using the phone app when travelling with a motorhome, because sometimes the coverage that we carry doesn't allow for it, even downloading "offline" maps will not do the trick. So on this trip, I will take the time and download an "offline" version of my maps just in case there are spotty coverage.
The next thing we like to do, is figure out the gas expense. Most of you know how to do that by taking the miles of your trip and dividing those miles per gallon and you will get will get an accurate amount of fuel used.Take those gallons and multiply them by the average cost of fuel to get the amount.
Now I've just got the total cost of fuel for the trip, and the co-ordinates. We're almost there. I then plan where we're going to stay. With a motorhome, travel trailer, or fifth wheel, your place to stay is behind you, quite literally, the sheets clean the bedroom beckoning a weary soul tired from the road. Traveling with a rental vehicle your place to stay is ahead of you. I don't read too many reviews, but do love pictures, so I'll probably take the trips time into consideration, whether we need to stop the night before arriving to the destination or will we just drive straight through and stop at a room researched, which a lot of pictures, before the point of interest.
I can't exist without you, a trip, whether it's a quick road trip, a jaunt across the states, somewhere, we can't exist without scratching that itch that has developed, especially with the impending news of cold, ice, below freezing wind chills and another potential Snowpocalypse. On that note, I hoped I helped some of you travellers that want to get out and explore, if not, there's other avenues to research, Google is a big place!
Thanks for reading, and if you're still interested in those hints of our travels, sometime in April, be sure to get over to Dark Nest Travels on youTube and check out the videos! Be sure to subscribe, we need viewers like you. Talk to you soon.