Monday, November 23, 2020

Race with the Devil / Price Gouging / Satanic Cults? / RV Blog / RV Travel Life

We've been packing, we've been diligently picking off our "to-do" lists, and we are about ready. We never feel extremely prepared for a trip for the winter, probably because this is only our second year, and like every bird we get better prepared each time. I was shopping today, getting enough to freeze and to have for a long trip so that we can avoid shopping every couple days. The only place with this trip we really want to, but don't want to stop, are gas stations. Gas stations hurt, the pocket book, but that comes with the territory of having our house on wheels and the traveling adventure.

With that being said we will avoid prices like the price featured in the picture below, and we will be smart with the stops we have to make. There is a place in the Blue Ridge Mountains that we want to stop, it was rumored that, in the '80's, there were Satanic groups and ceremonies taking place in a certain locale. I don't believe that a bit, but will at least make an attempt to get there. The whole scene reminds me of that movie "Race with the Devil" starring Peter Fonda from 1975. I can't wait to find a nearby campground, hopefully not filled with a satanic cult and fantasize about the horror that may or may not be.

We do have one more stop on our wish list, but I won't go into great detail with this one. I think both places I have on our list of "to-see" will add to the adventure and be less prone to attract crowds, so I think we'll enjoy the ambience, or lack thereof. It may be a few days that I write, so be patient with me, hopefully we haven't been tormented and chased after as a sacrifice, I'm sure if that is the case, I'll get some footage or great pictures to share.  Have a safe and happy holiday. We will see YOU, and write to YOU, soon!

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Friday, November 20, 2020

The Path of Travel / RV Blog / RV Life

Whether it is a small weekend trip, a jaunt through the thumb of Michigan, travel never ceases to stir something inside Maria and me. Packing, ensuring everything that can be packed is stuffed into the Mothership, is a team effort between us. Maria makes lists for shopping, packs the bags, and I load them into the motorhome prior to lift off. Now this year, as we prepare to be snow birds, once again, things are a little off. We're leaving earlier. Holidays have changed. Our adult children are making their own decisions that we concur with, to stay hunkered down at their own residences and we ours. It's a little uncanny, a little less traditional, yes. Not to mention a little sad, because we love to see our adult children and love their visits with us. We're not paranoid, but all of us want to be as safe as we can be to help each other. That's the way we've always been as a family.

Thank goodness for video chatting, which we will be sure to do.

Travel, though, is different this time with Covid-19 an ever present topic of conversation. So we have been preparing throughout the summer. We've been stocking up on those things that people like to horde in times like these. We're different, we didn't wait until the month of November and do it all at once. We have plenty of toilet paper, FACE MASKS (so that we're not spreading our own germs), plenty of bottled water, and plenty of hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial wipes, etc. We also have a plan. We won't be stopping by super spreader events, or places that are packed with people. The campgrounds we do find and make a decision to stop at we will pay over the phone, or at a website to avoid contact. When we camp we will be using our own shower, our own bed, preparing our own food. We will not walk around to socialize with people, and this, my friends, is not like us! We love people's stories, but this year are pressing the pause button. 

We will still sight see, I have a small itinerary for our trip, so we will not let any of you down on our youtube channel, if you haven't subscribed to yet, you should. We will visit places that are a little less traditional, so all our subscribers can look forward to that!  Know that we're thinking of all of you in these weird times, that we are continuing to travel with safety first and foremost, and that I will still attempt my hand at entertaining all of you at Dark Nest Travels!

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