With that being said we will avoid prices like the price featured in the picture below, and we will be smart with the stops we have to make. There is a place in the Blue Ridge Mountains that we want to stop, it was rumored that, in the '80's, there were Satanic groups and ceremonies taking place in a certain locale. I don't believe that a bit, but will at least make an attempt to get there. The whole scene reminds me of that movie "Race with the Devil" starring Peter Fonda from 1975. I can't wait to find a nearby campground, hopefully not filled with a satanic cult and fantasize about the horror that may or may not be.
We do have one more stop on our wish list, but I won't go into great detail with this one. I think both places I have on our list of "to-see" will add to the adventure and be less prone to attract crowds, so I think we'll enjoy the ambience, or lack thereof. It may be a few days that I write, so be patient with me, hopefully we haven't been tormented and chased after as a sacrifice, I'm sure if that is the case, I'll get some footage or great pictures to share. Have a safe and happy holiday. We will see YOU, and write to YOU, soon!
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