There were only a few of the "good ones" in the job I had. I will miss them. They were the ones who shared my work ethic, they shared a glint of hope that things just might get better. I formed relationships that lasted beyond the job when friends left prior to me. The friends established were the people in my life at this job who made it worth coming in everyday, and I thank each and everyone of them for being a part of my life. They meant a lot, mean a lot, but when life's goals come along, and that light to those goals is getting ever more clear, a move has to be made and the long term torch carrying will have to be passed along to the next.
It's been real, friends and co-workers, a long ride to the end of a roller coaster ride that seemed endless, and chasing that blazing orange carrot dangling on the end of the string. I hope everyone of you know how to get in touch, keep in touch, and watch the somewhat crazy spirals I clamber to make this social media, video, picture thing work. I appreciate each and every person that I've made contact with in my life, friends, family, even enemies, have all made a huge impact in my life in some way shape or form, and I could never ask for more. Thanks to all of you!
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