Sunday, August 19, 2018

Dark Nest Travels : Introduction & Abduction, The first Video!

There's a signpost up's a bit blurry..but you can make it out. The tiny reflective letters on the sign are glowing from the headlights of the RV and the green familiar mile markers shimmer in the high grass at the side of the road.  With squinting eyes you peer into the darkness following that infinite ray of light beaming on the green backdrop, a bright, very bright, light shines above you, and you feel the energy, this massive magnetism that continues to pull you in, "please keep reading," a voice whispers to your right, you look over, and...

Well, you've read about our history, you've read about the time's we've had in our past, and all of you will hopefully continue the vicarious journey with us. I am introducing our first Dark Nest Travels, video, albeit a total experiment, and experience, almost an abduction of sorts, I might add. I hope to continue to provide everyone with some form of entertainment, simply because my fiction usually scares or disturbs the hell out of most that know me, and although this is not fiction, it's an outlet that I'm greatly enjoying. I appreciate each and everyone of you! Watch now, hopefully it lives up to some kind of standard of video, if not, I'll get better in the future, until then, here it is...

Thanks for reading about our lives. Don't forget to subscribe to Dark Nest Travels on YouTube and follow us on Instagram at: darknesttravels. Thanks for stopping by and keeping up to date on our life, in its genesis and the unfolding path that is just ahead.